Marina Layout

General Information
All relevant documentation for filing a flight plan and the Port Authority Taxes form can be obtained from the Marina office.
Any queries regarding the Port Taxes can be e-mailed to
Draft Restrictions
- International Jetty is 3.5m during low tides
- The other walk-on’s vary in depth
Maximum Vessel Size
Vessels over exceeding 20m Length and 8m Beam, kindly contact the office at prior to booking.
Arriving at Durban Harbour
The Port of Durban, controlled by Transnet National Ports Authority, is a large and busy commercial harbour with specific areas set aside for pleasure craft.
On arrival, when you are approximately one mile off the Breakwater contact the Signal Tower, call sign ‘Durban Port Control’, who keep a listing watch on VHF Channel 9 and SSB 2182 kHz, Advise them of your arrival and last port of call, and request permission to enter the harbour.
Durban is compulsory Pilotage Port, but pleasure craft are exempt under certain conditions. Lights on the Signal Tower (which is situated on top of the Bluff, south of the harbour entrance) are used to warn approaching vessels of shipping movements:
- No Light – Channel clear for use
- Red Light – Ship leaving harbour; keep clear of the entrance channel
- Green Light – Ship entering harbour, keep clear and look behind you, it’s probably approaching your transom as you peer ahead!
- Flashing Red Light – Port closed
The leading lights (Oc.4s.64m14M over Iso.R.2s22m12M) area on the bearing 215deg30min.
After having entered the harbour, alter course to Starboard and head for the Silburn Channel. On your plotter, enter the following co-ordinates: 29° 51′ 46.84″ S 31° 01′ 18.25″ E
Please phone the Marina office on 031 301 2176 for further assistance.
Durban marina Approach
Visiting yacht initial tie up berth:
29° 51′ 46,84″ S 31° 01′ 18,25″ E
If space is available, incoming yachts are to tie up at International Jetty. Come in Starboard to with Fenders on waterline.
Anchoring area:
29° 51′ 53,91″ S 31° 01′ 36,62″ E
– The anchoring area is situated on the line where various catamarans are anchored. Stay well clear of the main channel.
Procedure After Arriving at the Marina
Please report to the Durban Marina office on arrival and complete the necessary formalities for your stay in Durban. Kindly supply our office with the passports of all crew members as well as the boat registration certificate. Port Authority Taxes are applicable for yachts staying for a period of more than 30 days and the rate is determined by yacht size. The Marina office will advise accordingly of the charges applicable. Once the documentation has been completed, the Durban Marina will assist with the clearing in procedure as listed below.
Clearing In and Out Procedure
All International visitors must report to Durban Immigrations as well as the Customs office, irrespective of whether they have cleared into South Africa via another port such as Richards Bay.
The Durban Marina office will assist with directions and the procedure to follow.
Customs & Excise Building
Cnr Victoria Embankment & Stanger Street
Ground Floor, Office No: 23, Durban
Customs & Excise Building
Cnr Victoria Embankment & Stanger Street
Ground Floor, Office No: 20, Durban
- Arrivals From a Foreign Port:
- Phone Immigrations who will come to the boat and clear in the boat;
- Skipper and crew to report to the Customs and Immigration offices with the boat’s papers, passports and crew list.
- Departure To a Foreign Port:
- Skipper to complete a flight plan for Port Clearance;
- Skipper reports to the Port Control office, 2nd Floor Room 219, 45 Bay Terrace;
- Skipper and crew report to Customs and Immigration offices with passports and crew list;
- Skipper phones Immigrations 3 hours before departure and they will come to the boat and clear the yacht out.
- Arrivals From a Local Port:
- Phone Immigration who will come to the yacht to clear it in;
- Skipper must then report to Customs and Immigration to clear in.
- Departing to a Local Port:
- Skipper to complete a flight plan for the Port Control office, 2nd Floor, Room 219, 45 Bay Terrace;
- Skipper reports to Customs and Immigration for clearance;
- Skipper phones Immigration 3 hours before departure and Immigration will come to the boat.
- Arrivals From a Local Port:
- Skipper to phone Immigration who will come to the boat (check if necessary to visit office when they come to the boat as this could vary).
- Departing to a Local Port:
- Flight plan to be completed and taken to Port Control office, 2nd Floor, Room 219, 45 Bay Terrace;
- Skipper to phone Immigration 3 hours before departure and Immigration will come to the boat.
Once the visitors have a favourable window to leave the Durban Port and head to their next Port of Call, the Durban Marina requires the visiting yacht to complete the flight plan document, applicable Customs document as well as settle any outstanding rental fees, be advised of any Port Taxes to be paid to Port Authority, and return security access cards.
PLEASE NOTE: The Port Authority office is NOT open on weekends and Public Holidays, therefore clearing out should be done on the Friday morning prior to leaving the Durban to travel to the next Port.